The Tomato Hornworm is back!
Beware of the green tomato worm! It’s time to check your tomato plants for the Tomato Hornworm, they are four inches long and bigger around then my finger. Some are even bigger! I found five the last couple days and they will devour your tomato plant. As you can see they are the same color as the plant and blend in very well.
Tips on finding the big green worm; look for leaves and stems that are chewed off and their droppings will be below on lower leaves and on the ground. See pictures above, just what you wanted to look at tomato worm poop! Then look close and under the leaves, you will find them. They are pretty, but pull them off and kill them. We stepped on them and they squirt about a foot in each direction so watch your shoes. If they look like they have white eggs all over their back do not kill them. This is a wasp that lays its eggs on the worm and the eggs feed off the inside of the worm. The worm will die and the wasps will leave to look for more tomato worms continuing the cycle. Good Luck!